วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Week 7

(1)   What is “exporting”?
Definition: to send goods to another country for sale

(2)   What is the verb of “exporting”?

The verb of exporting is "export"

(3)   What are the products mentioned in the video that foreign companies usually export to Thailand?
Answer :  Car, Cosmetic, and beauty care.

(4) Make a sentence of “exporting”.
Thailand are exporting rice to USA.

(1)   What is “importing”?
Definition : to buy or bring in products from another country

(2)   What is the verb of “importing”?
The verb of importing is "import"

(3)   Do you agree that the products mentioned in the video are what Thailand usually imports from foreign companies? What else is Thailand also known for importing?
 Yes, I agree with video and I think the product that Thailand import are cellphone, oil, and entertainment form Korea, Japan, and another country.

(4)   Make a sentence of “importing”.
Thailand is importing oil.

Freight forwarder

1. The pronunciation of “freight”: [freyt]

2. “freight” mean goods, but not passengers, that are carried from one place to another, by ship, aircraft, train or truck, or the system of transporting these goods

3. “freight forwarder” is a person or company that organizes shipments for individuals or other companies and may also act as a carrier.

4. Why is freight forwarder important for a company exporting products to other countries? 
    freight forwarders are important figures in the exporting process. Knowledgeable about all aspects of international trade including, import and export rules, and shipping options freight forwarders serve as agents for exporting businesses, overseeing the transportation of their cargo to overseas destinations.

Learning curve

1. The pronunciation of “curve” : /kɜːv/

2. “learning curve” Learning curve shows the rate of improvement in performing a task as a function of time, or the rate of change in average cost as a function of cumulative output.
For example, an 80 percent learning curve means the per unit average cumulative cost (in hours or dollars) falls to 80 percent of the previous per unit average cumulative cost as the cumulative output doubles. Also called learning curves or  improvement curve

3. “learning curve” mean in non-business context is a graph that depicts rate of learning, especially a graph of progress in the mastery of a skill against the time required for such mastery.

Licensing /?la?.s?nt?s/

(2)   What does “licensing” mean?
 “licensing” mean to give someone official permission to do or have something.

(3)   Make a sentence  I have a driving license .

(4)   Find one synonym of “licensing”.permit

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